Public presentation of the Brochure and Video “Water Mirrors in Portugal”

During the two closing sessions of the P3LP Project “Bridges and Partnerships for Water across Portuguese-speaking Countries”, held in February 2018, PWP launched publicly the brochure and video“Water Mirrors in Portugal – Emblematic Tangible and Intangible Projects in the Portuguese Water Sector”

Two years after the beginning of the P3LP Project, the Portuguese Water Partnership held two sessions that marked the conclusion of this Project and where two of its core activities, the brochure and video “Water Mirrors in Portugal” were presented.

This document synthesizes a portfolio of flagship projects, which are the fruits of the engineering merit and of the water governance model implemented in Portugal. They are evidence of the capabilities residing in the Portuguese water sector, that have supported the progress achieved over the last 25 years. The brochure covers namely:


Intangible Projects:

  • the “Albufeira Convention” between Portugal and Spain regulating international river basins
  • The National Water Resource Information System (SNIRH)
  • The planning and management of coastal zones
  • the Integrated Environmental Licensing System (SILiAmb)
  • the system for regulating the quality of urban water services

Physical projects:

  • “Alqueva” dam – Europe’s largest artificial water surface
  • The “Castelo de Bode” complex – water for Lisbon and energy for the whole country
  • The “Lever” water supply complex – the support pillar for Portugal’s second largest metropolitan area
  • The “Alcântara” wastewater treatment system – combining economies of scale with inner-city area constraints
  • The “Odelouca” project – a taylor-made solution to a unique region in Portugal
  • The hydro-agriculture system of “Vale do Sorraia” – a case study of subsidiarity in water governance

The “Portuguese Miracle” – the last 25 years in figures

 Check out the Brochure here

You can watch the video in youtube PWP channel here

These two sessions were attended by entities and companies that during these two years were involved in this project, which from the first steps was supported by several of our Members and Partners, which we would like to thank once again for the commitment and interest in energizing the P3LP platform.

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