COBA launched the Luachimo Hydroelectric Plant in Angola

On May 17, 2024, the inauguration of the Luachimo Hydroelectric Plant, located in the province of Lunda Norte in Angola, took place, a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, in the company of the governor of the Province, Deolinda Vilarinho, in that COBA was represented by Fernando Prioste, António Pereira da Silva and Nelson Barros.

It is another hydroelectric plant designed by COBA, with a power of 34 MW, whose studies and projects began in 2006 with the Feasibility Study phase, developed with the delivery of the Project for Tender in 2014 and with the completion of the Execution and Technical Assistance Project for the Work, which will now be completed in 2024 with the Central’s entry into service.

It is an infrastructure of great importance for the economic and social development of the region, which will allow the regular supply of renewable energy to the city of Dundo and the surrounding region, previously precariously supplied through diesel generators.

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